
About Me

I am a Multi Media graduate in Graphic Design. I am a bashful young lady with a lot to learn about my design style. I do know that having a minimalistic and green thumb attitude influences my overall design process. My creativity is fueled for the respect for history of design and enthusiasm for innovative design.

“Do everything by hand, even when using the computer.” 

Hayao Miyazaki

Student Showcase

The aim of the brief was to create an exhibition campaign. The campaign would reflect the personality of the Pearson (PIHE) Graphic Design graduates of 2018. The ‘Young Designers Portfolio Showcase’ is the annual public showcase were students show off their best.


  • Theme: Coexist.
  • Slogan: “Where balance and chaos meets order”.

    – Maya 2017: I made use of 3D simulated smoke, 3D lighting/the purple environment and the modeled UV lights.
    – Photoshop: Overall touch ups and mock-up design

Goldpack Product Development

The brief scope was to create a combination pack of hair grooming aids such as shampoo and conditioners, combs, brushes and any other items that may be suitable.


  • The product: 100% recyclable and reusable travel hair kit.
  • The brand: Guy Locker.
  • Materials include: laminated Polypropylene, aluminum, bamboo and cardboard.
  • Style: The hair kit is meant to work as a wrap/roll up bag.
  • Design solutions: The mountain cut overlap was a solution for creating neater wrap

    – Maya 2017: I created the 3D mock-ups after creating a physical one.
    – Photoshop: Mock-ups
    – Illustrator: Logo

Product Photography

The brief is to photograph an “unwrapped” bar of soap, using a light box. The photograph must appeal to a specific target market through the use of props and consider the use of lighting. The photographs will be displayed with NO typography.


  • Product: Longmarket soaps had the best packaging with a simple bar of soap.
  • Topic: Soap
  • Theme: Natural scent
  • Texture: Raw and natural

    – Canon 750 EOS, 50mm lens created a deeper mood.

    Maya 2017: I created the 3D mock-ups after creating a physical one.
    Photoshop: Image clean up, edits and mock-ups

Surreal Photography

This brief aims to expose you; the graphic designer to the numerous artistic opportunities that photography has to offer, techniques that can be used to ensure that the client’s product or service; stands out from the crowd. Create 5 sentences starting with “Graphic Design is like…”. Then select an artist from the site: Student Art Guide and use their style as inspiration. After you create these images layover a brands image you think would fit best with the imaged based on your sentence.


– Making use of a projection such as Lee Kirby.
– Mirror illusion like Laura Williams.
– Collage of digital geometric shapes over photographs such as Vasilisa Forbes style.
– I was inspired use of repetition like Jim Golden
– I used some motion blur for feeling of a different perspective.

– Canon 750 EOS

– Illustrator: Cleaning up some of the logos
– Photoshop: Image clean up, edits and mock-ups


The brief was to create a Robot character which will be animated. There needs to be a 10 second turntable scene, 10 second walk cycle and 10 second idle animation. This brief was paired with creating a graphic novel cover. This is a complete experience of dealing with character development.


  • Character: Raybots main purpose is provide the home with large amounts of solar energy throughout the day and night as it also collects solar energy from the sun
    and moon by moving to areas with more light detected.
  • Development and research: The energy sphere is based off of the German invention the beta.ray, which squeezes more energy out of the sun than normal solar panels through the use of a water sphere.

– Maya 2017: Created the character
– Photoshop: Mock-ups, some of the graphic novel character design
– Illustrator: Graphic novel design


The brief was to create a 10 or 15 second channel ident for National Geographic. The logo should appear for at least 2 seconds. The ident is a short teaser of what Nat Geo is about.


  • Theme: An interpretation of how humans and nature exist together.
    – Expressed with the use of art (paint).
    – lighthearted happy tone
  • Method: I decided to use a young male as the main character.
    – A curious young adult, inquisitive to learn more about the nature.

– Photoshop: Each frame was created in photoshop
– After Effects: Final render with logo reveal.